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Low Back Pain

Chiropractic Care Queenstown

Back pain is what Chiropractic is most known for and there is a reason for that, It works well. This is one of the most common issue's Dr Ashleigh (Chiropractor)  helps with at Health Edit Chiropractic.

Our bodies react to life’s stressors in different ways. What you experience can often be a sign of this response, and any deviation away from your optimal state of health suggests you may not be functioning as you were designed to. 

As you experience your life through your nervous system, it is essential that this system remains clear of interference so that you and your family can continually adapt to life’s stressors, to live an awesome life. Physical, chemical and emotional stressors produce an imbalance in your nervous system – and contributes to a lack of integrity which sets the stage for disease and ill health. Simply put – your body can’t communicate with itself well enough to deal with any symptoms you’re experiencing.

Male with Low back pain leaning forward with his hand clutching at his back in pain

Chiropractic allows your body to heal optimally

We experience life through our nervous system. Your brain, spinal cord and nerves control how your body works. Physical, chemical and emotional stressors produce an imbalance in your nervous system – and a lack of integrity sets the stage for disease and ill health. Simply put – your body can’t communicate with itself well enough to deal with any symptoms you’re experiencing.

A thorough examination helps us identify interferences in your body’s communication system. Gentle adjustments remove this interference, restoring the structural function of your spine, and allowing your body’s communication system to work as it’s designed.

Everyone, regardless of age or condition, can benefit from a nervous system that is working at its very best.

Ready to start your families journey?

Let’s get your body moving and working the way it should be so you can give life heaps all the time. Contact us today to find out more 021 1162501.

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