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Health Edit Chiropractic

the team

Chiropractic Care
Doctor of Chiropractic Ashleigh Tucker.

Your trusted Chiropractor Queenstown, Jack's Point

Unlock Your Body's Potential with Our Queenstown Chiropractor, Dr Ashleigh Tucker.

Located in Jacks Point, Health Edit Chiropractic is dedicated to providing exceptional chiropractic services for you and your family. We go beyond temporary relief and focus on addressing the underlying causes of discomfort of low back pain or neck pain. As your trusted Queenstown Chiropractor, we believe in a one-cause, one-cure philosophy, targeting the source to bring lasting relief.

At Health Edit, we embrace an inside-out approach to health, recognizing that true wellness starts from within.
Our goal is to tap into your body's natural healing abilities and facilitate your journey towards optimal well-being.

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Did you know that your body is an incredible power house of capabilities?

Each day, your body performs remarkable feats:

  • Thinking approximately 100,000 thoughts

  • Taking around 18,720 breaths

  • Producing 1.5 liters of urine for detoxification

  • Converting food into vital energy

  • Circulating 40,000 liters of water into and out of cells

  • Maintaining a constant body temperature

  • Beating your heart 105,000 times

  • Inhaling over 2 million liters of air

  • Traveling more than 80,000 kilometers with red blood cells

  • Generating 25,000 cells every second

All of these incredible functions happen autonomously within your body. At Health Edit, our mission is to nurture and support this innate brilliance.

Young Family laughing and playing together
Grandparents playing with their grandkids outside

Health Edit Chiropractic Difference

As your professional Queenstown Chiropractor, we aim to remove any interference that hampers your body's natural capabilities, supporting a healthier and more balanced you.

Experience the transformative power of chiropractic care with Health Edit Chiropractic.

If you suffer from back pain, neck pain, headaches, sciatica Book an appointment and unlock your body's full potential for health and vitality.

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Our Services

Comprehensive discussion of where you are and the outcomes you'd love to achieve.

Detailed, state-of-the-art examination process helps us fully understand any problems and solutions. The HRV is one of the most exciting innovations in the chiropractic profession, and has become one of our most important tools in our practice to be able to accurately measure and observe

  •  how well a person adapts to everyday life

  •  how resilient they are

  •  how well a person recovers, regenerates
    and rebuilds every day, and

  •  whether a person is locked in a wound-up; distressed; exhausted; or weakened state.

In-depth reporting and presentation of your examination findings so you fully understand what's happening in your body.


Highly tailored care plans designed with your goals in mind - with progress evaluations and measureable results.

Family Chiropractic Care Mother and father walking son

Family Care
At Health Edit Chiropractic

We love helping our community, including pregnant women and children of all ages express optimal health through chiropractic care. Contact us today to book an appointment!

Healthy and happy pregnant woman

We want to help you have a happy and healthy pregnancy

Discover how chiropractic could help prepare your body for pregnancy and then help your baby get off to a great start in life. 

Stressed Woman with her eyes closed pressing on her head

Adapt to life stressors

Life comes with stressors - physical, chemical, emotional - which can sometimes overwhelm the body - leaving it in a less than optimal state.

If you and your family struggle with your health, wellbeing and vitality, chiropractic focuses on adjusting your body's nervous system, enabling it to recuperate and reestablish its balance, so you can better adapt to those stressors.

Healthy Child out walking in nature with hands on his head

Journey to Health with Chiropractic

Your body has amazing potential. From the moment you're born, to adulthood and maturity, your body is what carries you through life. Chiropractic is a safe, natural approach to health care, removing any interference from the nervous system – so you and your family can get the most out of life.

Middle age man grabbing at is lower back in pain while chiropractor assesses the back

Low back pain

Back pain is what Chiropractic is most known for and there is a reason for that, It works well. This is one of the most common issue's Dr Ashleigh (Chiropractor)  helps with at Health Edit Chiropractic.

Skilled and professional chiropractor Dr Ashleigh Tucker providing tailored family care

Committed to excellence

Our team wakes up every day committed to providing the world's best chiropractic experience because every family deserves a great life. Our chiropractors are constantly developing their practice so you can be sure you're receiving the best care every time you visit.

young strong man out running for his health preventing sciatic nerve pain


A pinched nerve is a condition in which a nerve is compressed, resulting in pain, numbness, tingling, or weakness. The nerve compression can occur anywhere along the nerve pathway, from the spine to the extremities. At our chiropractic practice, we offer natural and gentle methods to help alleviate pinched nerves and restore proper nerve function.

young man holding his head because hes got a headache

Migraines & Headaches

Headaches are a common health-related condition that may cause discomfort, pain, and affect overall quality of life. Tension headaches are the most common, and are often caused by muscle tension and stress. Cervicogenic ones are caused by problems with the neck or spine, and migraines are a severe form of headache, with visual disturbances, nausea, and sensitivity to noise and light.

woman clutching at her neck in pain

Neck Pain

Various factors and stresses may cause neck pain, such as trauma, postural issues, disc degeneration, arthritis, and muscle strains. Text neck is a new problem we see in our clinic, because of the increase in time spent on computers, tablets, and cellular devices. This overuse injury stems from looking downward, often at a cell phone, for prolonged periods, which can overstretch tissues in the neck.


01. How much does a Chiropractor cost

At Health Edit our initial consultation is $100 and if  follow up visits are required these are $60.

02. What is an Osteopath vs Chiropractor?

Chiropractors are more likely to use chiropractic adjustments to correct misalignments of the joints (subluxation), while osteopaths tend to focus more on manipulating soft tissues through stretching and massage.

03. What's the difference between a Physiotherapist and Chiropractor?

Physiotherapists help you perform stretches and exercises, as well as performing some manipulations for certain conditions, to improve your mobility. 

Chiropractors perform adjustments to the spine to help your body heal itself.

04. How effective is Chiropractic care?

By removing nerve interference between the brain and the body by adjusting the spine we allow the body to natural heal and repair itself, thus making it a super effective treatment option. 

No one size fits all but your Chiropractor can help determine if it's the right option for you. 


30 Perendale Road

Jack's Point 9371

New Zealand

021 1162501

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Ready to start your families journey?

Let’s get your body moving and working the way it should be so you can give life heaps all the time. Contact us today to find out more 021 1162501.

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